Sunday 15 November 2009

What is a baby modeling portfolio?

A models portfolio is a an album of photographs that portray the physical features, style and general appearance of a potential model.  It will showcase any previous engagements that have been undertaken and most importantly acts as a vital introduction to potential clients of the models.

For an adult model this is an obvious requirement.  However, for a baby model the portfolio it is completely wasted and is in most cases a very large waste of money.  The main reason is that a child model changes change very fast to make the baby modeling portfolio of use to you or an agency.

So instead of paying the money to create an amazing model book that will be useless in five months I recommend spending your time and cash to gather about 3-5 good standard pictures  that you can send to to an modelling agent.  The pictures can be taken in the home or by a professional, but keep in mind that you will probably need to renew your images in six months so outlay your money wisely!

Regardless, you will want to make sure that you obtain a demonstrative sample of photographs.  Try to include:

  • A head and shoulders image.  This is a close up shot of your baby.
  • A full length photograph.  This should provide a good indication of the size and physique of your infant.
  • A personality image.  This will present something of your childs spirit.
  • Location picture.  Try to see that the images are taken both indoors and outdoors and in changed lighting.  There can be a big difference when you use natural versus interior lighting.
  • Style image.  Attire your baby appropriately and try a few varied fashions. These are all basic things to do and can be taken on your personal camera.  Also with the beauty of digital you can shoot large numbers of snapshots if you need and just opt for the ideals that present your infant how you like.

Sarah Baxter is passionate about all thing baby modeling and working with other parents to set their place in the industry.  Check the blog at baby modeling agencies for further information.

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